Upload your accuracy test results

Before you start with accuracy test of your air gun, please read the help page first. If you are prepared, you can do the test and fill the form below:

Shooting distance (meters)
** (10 m ≈ 11 yards)

About You

Your nickname (it will be visible on the site)

Your email (not visible on site)

About tested airgun

Air rifle or air pistol?
** or


Brand (manufacturer):
if not in list, then type: **

Type of airgun
** (example HW 75)


Ammunition type:
Example: JSB Diabolo Exact Express, 0.51 g.

At least one of these 4 fields is mandatory:

Muzzle Energy: Joule or ft-lbf

Speed of pellet: FPS or m/s

Aiming type:

Is the air gun modified?**

The result:

Units: ** or

Enter horizontal and vertical spread after each 5 shoots (see the image below). Enter only numbers rounded to one decimal place:


Rate tested air gun (summary, how happy are you with it)

** (how to rate?)

Upload an image of tested airgun
JPG, image will be resized to 600 pixels.

Your comment:
Example: scope type, how old is the tested airgun, what is upgraded, your opinion, test circumstances (wind, temperature), etc. Suggestion


** mandatory fields